Friday, October 24, 2008


How Networks Are Laid Out
First the Server Networks which contains programs and data files that can be accessed by other computer in the network. The servers are faster then and power than a normal computer the runs the most common operating system Windows. When operating Windows the sever maintains the list of users, their passwords and etc. The server is also called the host computer. Peer to Peer networks are the simplest network to install all operating systems such as Windows 98, XP, and Vista come w/ this software.

Wide Area Network is when the network spreads in a large variety. Such as an hospital that shares a network among several buildings. A way to use the internet in the WAN is to go through the virtual network. In the virtual network software that uses heavy encryption to maintain the users privacy. While having this privacy they try to avoid hackers.

How Phone and Power Lines Bring LANs Home
The network is spread through different cables using these cables radio frequency waves. These frequency waves travel using on/off pulses or shift between two different frequencies to represent bits of data. Then they use phone lines to transmit fax, and phone conversations. The phone lines are usually faster performers than power-line LANs.
Phone lines are not always in every room so the phone network also has its limits. The power lines then make the network connections work throughout the building. These connections are going not only to the phones but to computers too. Also the air-conditioning, home alarms and many more appliances.

How a Web Browser Opens Web Pages
The World Wide Web is open by clicking a hyperlink, which is a text phrase or graphic that conceals the websites address. Most hyperlinks are recognized by the change in color and font style when inserted in a text. The URL is the address box in which the user would request a website. The domain server runs a set of databases and distributes the IP addresses.
The IP address then is then expressed in numbers as the text in the URL. This is another way for the computer’s browser to communicate and fulfill the user’s request. Internet Service Providers give a source for the internet to connect such as DSL or cable lines even wireless. Domain Name Server then sends the users request to the router the internet traffic is then avoid and then the request is processed. All of this happens in a matter of seconds.

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