Friday, May 8, 2009

Pick two sites

Pick two sites from the following blog post:

Answer the following questions about the sites you picked. (Include the link to the sites)

Did the background hide the navigation?
How did the web designer show his text and the background?
-using div
Was flash used on the page?
Did the background stay the same throughout the site?
Was the background included using a stylesheet (view source)?
Did the page load correctly in the following resolutions:
a. 800x600-yes
b. 1024x768
c. 1280x1024
d. 1920x1440

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


i choose this site b/c i love the graphics in the site. i think this inspires me the most because i love vans and the site is very attractive. when i first look at this site i noticed the slide show. and i really give the creators props on this site b/c they madesure the home page was eye catching. and the custom shoes idea was so easy and cool at the same time because now a days so much is done over the internet. and this website allows you to customize yours shoe then order them. i love this site and i hope that one day i could be able to make a site like this

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


i dont feel cybersquatting is a good idea.i say this because i feel that it is incovient to web users. because if a company buys a exsisting site and web users are not aware of the change in address thet could be going on a inapproiate site.
for example im looking up traffic and i go to a safety website and nide pic of kids come up and my teacher comes in the class that will affect me as a student.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


i feel that what Taobao is doing is bad because it illegal. how could they earn profit for another company's product? and if that is the case how come the didn't sell it for more money at least to increase their profit. but if you look at they are not only benefiting themselves but they are help the artist because no matter what the artist gets paid for all their music that is downloaded.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This HTML Kills: Thoughts on Web Accessibility

Most web pages are becoming dull,grey and unattractive.Which means many inexperienced users are trying to create web pages in an improper manner. The more experienced web designers feel that the webpages are imcomplete. With work many of today’s sites are starting to have elements common to the look of their printed brothers and sisters. Web pages that look similar to printed publications share all the their trademark elements: multicolumn text, inline graphics, drop caps, horizontal and vertical rules, background images. Most people feel that the html format was and is used inproperly. Web designers feel that even though they are making an easier way for the new coming wed designer by making styles code that they still dont use the html code properly

Friday, October 24, 2008


How Networks Are Laid Out
First the Server Networks which contains programs and data files that can be accessed by other computer in the network. The servers are faster then and power than a normal computer the runs the most common operating system Windows. When operating Windows the sever maintains the list of users, their passwords and etc. The server is also called the host computer. Peer to Peer networks are the simplest network to install all operating systems such as Windows 98, XP, and Vista come w/ this software.

Wide Area Network is when the network spreads in a large variety. Such as an hospital that shares a network among several buildings. A way to use the internet in the WAN is to go through the virtual network. In the virtual network software that uses heavy encryption to maintain the users privacy. While having this privacy they try to avoid hackers.

How Phone and Power Lines Bring LANs Home
The network is spread through different cables using these cables radio frequency waves. These frequency waves travel using on/off pulses or shift between two different frequencies to represent bits of data. Then they use phone lines to transmit fax, and phone conversations. The phone lines are usually faster performers than power-line LANs.
Phone lines are not always in every room so the phone network also has its limits. The power lines then make the network connections work throughout the building. These connections are going not only to the phones but to computers too. Also the air-conditioning, home alarms and many more appliances.

How a Web Browser Opens Web Pages
The World Wide Web is open by clicking a hyperlink, which is a text phrase or graphic that conceals the websites address. Most hyperlinks are recognized by the change in color and font style when inserted in a text. The URL is the address box in which the user would request a website. The domain server runs a set of databases and distributes the IP addresses.
The IP address then is then expressed in numbers as the text in the URL. This is another way for the computer’s browser to communicate and fulfill the user’s request. Internet Service Providers give a source for the internet to connect such as DSL or cable lines even wireless. Domain Name Server then sends the users request to the router the internet traffic is then avoid and then the request is processed. All of this happens in a matter of seconds.


The difference between the new and old sprint is awesome.I like the new look better because it gives the company a better look and can bring more costumers.

The difference doesn't look that different but it is a little difference like the colors. The shape and the text is a difference but i prefer the old version better.

The difference in the two is that colors are more eye catching which is really good. Like i stated before the colors are more eye catching for those who may bee interested in sending packages. Some people feel that appearances are important.