Tuesday, March 17, 2009


i dont feel cybersquatting is a good idea.i say this because i feel that it is incovient to web users. because if a company buys a exsisting site and web users are not aware of the change in address thet could be going on a inapproiate site.
for example im looking up traffic and i go to a safety website and nide pic of kids come up and my teacher comes in the class that will affect me as a student.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


i feel that what Taobao is doing is bad because it illegal. how could they earn profit for another company's product? and if that is the case how come the didn't sell it for more money at least to increase their profit. but if you look at they are not only benefiting themselves but they are help the artist because no matter what the artist gets paid for all their music that is downloaded.